• Posted 18/05/2003

How to Change Top Wheels (Track Type Fitting only)

Before you do the maintenance, please have a look at the Introduction to Tilt Door (Jamb Type, Track Type) and make sure you can find the main parts from your current garage door listed in the INTRODUCTION part.


While Changing The Wheel for the this type of. Tilt Door, the door can be either opened or closed. But make sure it won’t fall off if it’s at the opeing status.


Tools will be used: Grinder, Screw Driver,


First step:Take off the BAR holding the wheel    

Second step:Use Grinder to peel

After you Peeled it, hammer the back of the roller untill it dropped    

Then you can put the new roller on. To loose the Nuts from the new roller, put the roller into the original hole, tighten the Nuts. Finally put the BAR back to the Door.

WARNING: We recommend you to call for a local qualified garage door person for the maintence. Please feel free to contact us for any DIY problems on info@magickey.com.au